Membership or a donation. It’s your choice!

KMUD is listener sponsored. We depend on memberships and donations. 

During our pledge drives we encourage listeners to become members of Redwood Community Radio, and to renew memberships, by calling our pledge line (707) 923-3911 or toll free 800-568-3723.
If you like, you could send a check or money order to KMUD, PO Box 135, Redway, CA 95560. Or stop by our station at 1144 Redway Drive during business hours.

To make it easy, quick, and safe for you to support the programs you hear on KMUD we use Paypal to process online donations, and we have provided the following links to suggested memberships.
Clicking on any of the buttons will take you to Paypal. You don’t need to have a Paypal account, you have a choice of credit cards.

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