Help us help you

by Matt Knight, Facility and Training Coordinator at Access Humboldt, and KMUD Board of Directors member

When a major earthquake struck Humboldt County – KMUD was among the only radio stations delivering clear, concise and timely information. Throughout the long, hot summer – KMUD relayed evacuation orders, road closures and other critical fire information.

Now for just a moment – imagine if KMUD didn’t have the resources to provide this up-to-date emergency information – or worse – if KMUD was not there at all.
Your community radio station is currently facing serious shortfalls and we may have to consider cutting these vital services to our community.

 We are coming to you – to ask – help us to help you. Help us to continue bringing you the indispensable community news, public affairs, music and entertainment that you have long depended upon.

As other sources of funding have dried up, KMUD has come to rely on you – the listeners – for this critical means of support. Without you – KMUD’s future is uncertain – at best.

That’s why we are asking you to go to our donate page  and make a donation. One time gifts are crucial – but your sustaining month support allows us to plan for the future. Without it – this valuable community resources is in danger. Please give what you can!

Send us a check at :
KMUD Studios
PO BOX 135
Redway, CA 95560

Or go to