The KMUD Class Ads are read Monday through Friday between 6:30 and 7:00 PM. If you have something to buy, sell, trade, or give away, items lost or found, or a job opening, submit them here online at or write to the KMUD Class Ads, PO Box 135, Redway, California, 95560.  When you click here to submit one online your add will appear right away in our online listing.  Please allow up to 5 days for the listing to run on air.  We will run your ad, absolutely free, for ten days.

The KMUD Class Ads are for individuals, not businesses. No alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or drug related items please.

If you’ve sold what you had to sell, or found what you’re looking for, be sure to call KMUD so we can remove your ad from the air.

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PremiumDrive-Time $18 These spots run during locally produced news, public affairs, and call in talk shows which air during drive-time hours Weekdays 6am-9am; 5pm-8pm

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