Board Meeting Agenda May 21st


Vision: Redwood Community Radio envisions a community of listeners who, guided by the
example of RCR programming, work together to create better, more just and sustainable world
systems to ensure that all humans and other living species on earth move toward a higher quality
of life and are able to survive challenges in the time ahead.
Mission Statement: Redwood Community Radio will encourage a communication center of open
airways (KMUD) for all voices to inform, educate, entertain and inspire the listening community
through quality programming.
Ground Rules: Speak respectfully to one another. Focus on issues, not personalities. Support
the facilitator. No interruption. Make criticism constructive, specific, substantiated and, ideally,
when the person(s) are present. When required, a five-minute break shall be granted to attendees
to encourage peaceful communication. Speakers during Open Time will be assigned an amount of
time not to exceed five minutes. Any further discussions during the meeting will be between Board
Members unless a guest is acknowledged by the Facilitator or is scheduled as part of the agenda.

Draft Proposed Agenda

Redwood Community Radio Board of Directors

May 21, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
Zoom Online Meeting
I.Call to order, and establish a quorum.
Opening comments from the President; meeting ground rules.
II. Roll Call
BOARD-APPOINTED MEMBERS: Treasurer Flurina Niggli, Matt Knight
MEMBER REPS: President Chestine Anderson, Vice-President George
WinterSun, Correspondence Secretary Stephanie Thomas
PROGRAMMER REPS: Javier Rodriguez, Secretary Michelle Vassel,
III. Approval of April Minutes
IV. Voting for Board-Appointed Seat
V. Approval of Agenda
VI. Open Time
VII. Consent Calendar
A. The Board appoints officers as follows: Chestine Anderson – President,
George WinterSun – Vice-president, Flurina Niggli-Treasurer, Michelle
Vassel – Secretary
B..The Board appoints Stephanie Thomas as Correspondence Secretary.
C. The Board appoints Jama Chaplin as Parliamentarian.
D. The following committees and members are appointed:
Membership Drive: Matt Knight-chair, members Behr, Daniel
Nickerson; Sheila O’Toole, Katie Phillips, Dorothee Schaefer,


Development: George WinterSun, chair, members Jimmy
Durchslag, Lisa Luv Deny, Dorothee Schaefer, Emma Nation-Myers,
Javier Rodriguez, Jeffery James
Policy: Chestine Anderson, chair; members Jama Chaplin, Rob Bier,
Michelle Vassel, George WinterSun
Executive: Chestine Anderson, chair; members Flurina Niggli,
George WinterSun, Michelle Vassel, Jeffery James
Finance: Flurina Niggli, chair; members Behr, Jama Chaplin, Margie
Plant, Sarah Starck, Ali Bullock, Jeffery James
Mediation: Javier Rodriguez, chair; members Christine Doyka, Siena
Klein, Nona Ikeda. The Board also acknowledges our two elected
members, Douglas Fir and Margaret Lewis whose terms end Spring
F. The Board confirms that the Board Poll completed on April 27, 2024
authorized the Pride Event budget of $7087.
G. The Board accepts the resignation of Adam Rollins – programmer
H. The Board confirms the Board Poll completed on May 3, 2024 naming
Flurina Niggli as chair and Chestine Anderson as the second Board
member of the Audit committee, with Nadine Chapdelaine as the
community member.
VIII. Management Report – Jeffery James
IX. Finance Committee Report – Flurina Niggli
X. Old Business
A. Financial Emergencies Policy 4.9 – tabled to June board meeting to give
the Policy Committee time to research current policy and make
B. Approval of Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) – vote to
approve the language of the IIPP as it is printed in the board packet
C. Approval of Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) – vote to
approve the language of the WVPP as it is printed in the board packet
D. The Board takes a first vote to delete the accrual log policy at the
recommendation of the Station Manager and the Finance Committee.
XI. New Business
A. Remove Alyssa DeLeon from the Vocality Credit Union Visa account
and add Jeffery James to the account
B. Add Chestine Anderson to the Vocality Credit Union and Coast Central
Credit Union accounts.
C. Appoint a temporary committee to review the Station Manager’s job
description and make recommendations for any changes.

D. Approve the draft Audit Report (if ready).
E. Approve the Summer Arts Fair Coffee Booth and budget
F. Major Donor Campaign – Are there Board members interested in joining?
G. Schedule a Board/Staff retreat
XII. Committee Reports
A. Programmer Representatives
B. Member Representatives
C. Community Advisory Board (CAB) – Siena Klein
D. Correspondence Secretary – Thomas
E. Development – WinterSun
F. Membership Drive – Knight
G. Policy – Anderson
H. Mediation – Rodriguez
I. Building and Grounds – Rodriguez
J. Audit Committee – Niggli
XIII. Committee Meeting Schedule
All meetings take place online until further notice. Those interested in attending
one should first check to ensure no changes have been made to this schedule.
Zoom meeting IDs, passcodes, phone numbers, and links for the Board meeting
can be found on the website and in the email distributed before the meeting. For
access to other meetings, please contact the committee chair.
Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.
Membership Drive 4th Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.
Development 2nd Thursday, 4:00 p.m.
Policy 1st Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.
Executive 1st Wednesday, 12:00 p.m.
Finance 1st Tuesday, 3:00 p.m.
CAB Quarterly, to meet during the summer.

XIV. Closed session – Personnel
XV. Adjournment
Policy changes are highlighted in yellow. Deletions are in blue font.
Additions are in red font.
Attachment I
5.5.3 Accrual Log


The Station Manager shall maintain and sign monthly a log of vacation and sick
days accrued and used.